
Michael's 21st

This is Chun Hoong...

*My name is Chun Hoong, you can call me Michael... My number is 0123456789...

He is always thinking...

*How am I going to make Nick's ear bigger?

... and thinking despite everyone is doing something...

*What can I do to make Nick's ear grow bigger?

... and he is planning for something big and extraordinary... like you never see before!

*I am going to put some honey to your chicken! HAHA... (-_-"... is this big and extraordinary?)

From Warner's Sisters Entertainment... and Kampung Picture...

*Hey, I thought this should be my birthday post? What are you doing?

From the producer and director of...

*...Michael's 1st, ...

*...Michael's 2nd, ...

*... Michael's 3rd, ...

* (blah blah blah)... and Michael's 20th...

This summer...

*... Be prepared with your camera...

*... keep your elephant pet in the safety box...

*Why am I laughing? XD

*... and look forward for more excitements...
Chei Lin: "WOW!"
Chun Hoong: "what?"
Chei Lin: "I saw a bird flying just now!"
Chun Hoong: "-_-"

*... and thrilling events...
Chun Hoong: "Stop this thing! I haven blow my birthday cake yet!"

*... Because he is out!

*... with his entire army...

*... and he is going to bring you to more delicious foods...

*... and more outings!

*So... hug him as tight as possible...

*... and always stay close to him...

*... Last but not least... Remember to wish him
HaPPy 21sT BiRThDaY

P/S: I wish you best of luck in everything you are doing and hope to see you holding someone's hand when I am back... Hope you like this post... Sorry if I made any mistakes =)... Happy Birthday!